Call for volunteers for new Guide to Sound Practices on Platforms

Published: 03 April 2018


AIMA is pleased to announce that we will soon start work on a new Guide to Sound Practices on Platforms, which will examine the continuum of platform arrangements currently available and delve into some of the operational and other challenges arising specifically in a platform setting.  We will look at manager platforms, fund platforms and managed account platforms, among other things, and will try talk about issues like fee layering, performance track record ownership, etc.  

We are seeking volunteers from the membership to participate in this working group.  If you would like to participate, please send an email to Jennifer Wood ([email protected]) by Friday, 4 May 2018 and include: (i) your name, (ii) your company name, and (iii) your experience with respect to platforms.  We are seeking sufficient numbers of volunteers that no individual person would need to commit more than 20 hours over the life of the project.  We will select a working group from among the volunteers with as diverse types of experience as we can.  We will be targeting a 4Q 2018 publication date for this guide.

If you do not have the time or inclination to participate on the working group but you have ideas about what you think should be covered in this guide, please send any ideas you have to Jennifer so they can be considered as part of the development of the outline for the guide.