Frank Wu // 吴帆

Director, Head of China

Email Frank Wu // 吴帆

Frank Wu joined AIMA in November 2015 as China General Manager and Chief Representative.

Previously, he spent three years at Beijing Gao Hua Securities, a well-known onshore security firm with a JV relationship with Goldman Sachs which embraces a uniform global research, product and trading platform with other Goldman business entities globally.  He worked as Executive Director, Head of Goldman Sachs China onshore hedge fund business platform and was an onshore facilitator for Goldman’s Global Prime Broking team as well as QDLP and other fields global hedge fund managers explored.  Frank also assisted onshore hedge fund clients with product origination and capital introduction through his wide network in bank channels, trust companies and third party wealth management firms.  Meanwhile, he also assisted onshore and offshore hedge funds and insurance managers in the areas of sales & trading and research support. 

Prior to Gao Hua Securities, he served as Vice President of Business Department at Fortis Investment Management Co., Ltd. from 2005 to 2010, where he managed distribution channels, providing investment solution plans to key institutional clients in China including insurance managers and finance corporations.  Frank started his career as senior research analyst in Guoyuan Trust in 1998 and spent seven years from the role of portfolio manager to research head in proprietary trading department of Guoyuan Trust. He gained experience of asset allocation and portfolio construction in the area of A share, B share, Hong Kong stock market.  Frank holds a MBA degree of University of Science and Technology of China.

吴帆先生于2015年11月加入AIMA担任中国区总经理,首席代表。在此之前,他在高华证券(与高盛集团之合资公司)任执行董事、高盛中国大陆地区对冲基金业务负责人,就职的三年其间为中国大陆地区对冲基金管理人提供产品方案建议、研究支持、资本引介等,以及协同高盛亚太机构经纪团队(Prime Brokerage)为全球对冲基金就QDLP及其他中国地区业务方案提供咨询建议。同时,他还负责部分大型国际对冲基金、中国大陆对冲基金、中国境内部分大型保险资产管理机构的研究销售服务安排。1998年-2005年间,吴帆先生就职于国元信托,先后任高级研究员、A股、B股及香港市场组合经理、投资总部研究负责人, 并于2005年加入海富通基金,负责渠道管理,及为保险公司,证券公司,财富公司,央企等重点机构客户提供的综合产品解决方案。吴帆先生持有中国科学技术大学的工商管理硕士学位。