Jun Bei Liu

Portfolio Manager, Tribeca Investment Partners


Jun Bei Liu is lead portfolio manager for Tribeca's Alpha Plus Fund. Since taking over sole responsibility for managing the Fund, she has doubled AUM to over $1bn, making it one of the largest long short equity funds in the Australian Market. She is a passionate, motivated, and dedicated investment manager having built a 16-year career at Tribeca, starting as an analyst and spending time as portfolio manager before taking over the Alpha Plus fund in 2019. Jun Bei has always had a keen interest in financial markets and the challenges they present. She is fluent in Chinese and only learned English as a teenager upon leaving China and emigrating to Australia as a 16-year-old. Her commitment to self-improvement saw her complete a commerce degree at the University of NSW followed by a number of additional finance credentials including GAICD and CFA. She has strong family values and has managed to build her career while also juggling family life and raising two young children. She is a prolific contributor to Australia's financial services sector via a regular column for the AFR and frequent appearances for key media outlets and as a speaker at industry events. She especially enjoys the opportunity to share her knowledge and love for markets with all types of investors and has a keen interest in helping promote the growth of like-minded females within the financial services community where she enjoys playing a mentoring role via her advisory committee for Australian Student Asset Management. Her early childhood has given her an energy for life and a strong desire to contribute to society and in particular to those less privileged. She is a volunteer for Raise Foundation Board and continues to look for opportunities where she can share her experience and network to benefit others.