AIMA Lift: Women in Leadership

Hong Kong Virtual event

AIMA invites you to join our Lift webinar on 27 November 2023.

Female leadership today is making significant strides, yet persistent barriers continue to impede the full realisation of women's potential in senior positions.  While progress has been made in breaking down gender barriers, the underrepresentation of women in top leadership roles remains a pressing issue that requires ongoing attention and concerted efforts for change. 

Through personal anecdotes and professional insights, join this collaborative webinar between AIMA and the FT Board Director Programme as our panel of speakers shed light on the specific hurdles they have encountered throughout their ascent to positions of influence and authority.

 AIMA Host:

  • Michael Bugel, Managing Director, Co-head of APAC, AIMA  


  • Jini Lee, Co-Division Head FFR and Head of Region (Asia), Ashurst 
  • June Lai, CEO, Catalyst Lifestyle Limited
  • Hestie Reineck, CCO, Prudential Plc


  • Joanne Murphy, Alternative Industry Senior Executive     

Replays can be found here.            

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