AIMA’s Government and Regulatory Affairs team aims to represent the voice of the industry to policy makers, legislators and regulatory authorities around the world. The team, drawing on the expertise and diversity of AIMA’s membership, engages proactively and constructively in shaping the global financial markets reform debate.
The team invests its time in direct contact and advocacy with key governments and authorities, responding to proposed legislation and consultations, and providing guidance and updates for members on key issues. We regularly host events and briefing sessions aimed specifically at policymakers to ensure that AIMA's voice is heard.
AIMA maintains good relations with regulatory, fiscal and government authorities around the world and now has over 900 regulatory and policy contacts at more than 200 different authorities.
Jiří Krόl leads AIMA’s work in this important area, with support from three dedicated, expert teams – Asset Management Regulation & Sound Practices; Markets, Governance and Innovation; and Tax Affairs.
Meet the team
Meet AIMA's regulatory team (listed alphabetically) below.