Irish Manager Members Steering Group


The Irish Manager Members Steering Group (IMMSG) is a forum for peer-to-peer discussion.  The group also provides policy direction for the work of AIMA’s Government and Regulatory Affairs team with respect to asset management regulation, private credit regulation, markets regulation and tax affairs in relation to Irish local laws and regulations and European laws and regulations as implemented in Ireland.

The IMMSG is composed of representatives of AIMA member firms authorised as AIFMs, UCITS management companies or MiFID investment firms by the Central Bank of Ireland. IMMSG meetings are convened on a quarterly basis.



The European Commission has published a proposal to review the AIFMD. The legislative proposal covers delegation, liquidity risk management, loan funds, investors disclosures, depositaries and regulatory reporting matters.


The Undertakings for Collective Investment in Transferable Securities (UCITS) Directive puts in place a comprehensive framework for the regulation of harmonised investment funds within Europe. The latest amendments to the UCITS framework, agreed under the AIFMD review, will apply from 16 April 2026. In 2024, ESMA launched a call for evidence on reviewing the UCITS Eligible Assets Directive.

Responsible Investment

AIMA's resources for implementing responsible investment (also known as 'ESG') and interpreting the relevant regulation. Notable research papers and relevant events are also linked.


The increasing use of outsourcing by regulated entities is of growing importance to a number of supervisory authorities.


A new bespoke EU prudential regime. Effective from 26 June 2021.


From proposals to establish consolidated tapes for market data to proposals to improve the identification of systematic internalisers, reviews of the MiFID II/MiFIR regulatory framework at EU and UK level are currently underway. See here for an overview of developments and AIMA’s regulatory and policy engagement.

EU Remuneration

IFR/IFD remuneration requirements effective as of 26 June 2021. EBA and ESMA have publish their updated IFD and MiFID II remuneration guidelines, respectively. Notable other EU remuneration requirements under AIFMD and the UCITS Directive are also linked.

Tax (EU)

AIMA’s current European tax advocacy encompasses key topics such as hybrids and other mismatches, financial transactions tax and EU non-cooperative tax jurisdictions.