AIMA Singapore member-only roundtable: AML/KYC fund data platform & ESG fund labelling framework industry feedback


AIMA invites you to join a member-only roundtable to solicit your invaluable feedback on two initiatives led by the MAS-sponsored Singapore Funds Industry Group's (SFIG) Infrastructure & Industry Workgroup.
1) National fund data platform for AML/KYC
SFIG seeks to develop a centralised AML/KYC fund data platform to deliver the following benefits for the funds industry:
  • More reliable, consistent, and timely collection of KYC data;
  • Time and cost savings with end-to-end integrated solutions;
  • Enhance control and compliance using transparent data on a shared platform; and
  • Reduce onboarding time of new investors and fund management companies, and ongoing KYC review processes on existing investors.  
This session aims to assess the market appetite, solicit feedback from key stakeholders, and to collectively identify and agree on the area of focus, considerations, and the next steps for this utility.
2) ESG Fund Labelling Framework
This is a follow up on the AIMA Singapore member-only roundtable held on 22 September 2022. To recap, the aim of the framework was to provide further transparency for sustainable investments and drive capital towards a sustainable economy. In this session, SFIG seeks to identify the end-users, and key challenges and gaps for the framework, and hence would like to see your feedback for the following areas:
  • Plans to invest in ESG / sustainability funds;
  • Assessment of the credibility of ESG / sustainability funds;
  • Experience in fund labels and consideration of pros/cons for ESG fund labels in Singapore; and
  • Considerations and potential challenges of an ESG fund labelling regime for Singapore
Full replay and slides are available here
  • Kher Sheng Lee, Managing Director, Co-Head of APAC and Deputy Global Head of Government Affairs, AIMA
  • Justin Ong, Partner, Head of Asset & Wealth Managed Services and Financial Services Assurance Leader, PwC Singapore
  • Christina Mason, Director, Financial Services Assurance, ESG, PwC Singapore

The session is now over. For more details, please email here.


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