GIFA and AIMA Autumn Update


The Guernsey Investment Funds Association and the Alternative Investment Management Association are hosting an autumn update on current issues in the funds industry.

The event will be held as two panel discussions covering the following two key topics; 

Everyone wants to be able to sell their new fund to every possible investor in the universe.  However that latitude can come a quite a cost.  Panellists will discuss the various options in terms of domicile, fund shape and legal structure, to help you get the most bang for your buck as to you try manage those early-year budgets.

Wherever you choose to place your fund, having sufficient substance to meet the growing trend of regulators and tax authorities will be vital.  Panellists will discuss how best to future-proof your organisation and fund to meet these requirements (both as they stand today and, through the crystal ball, how they might look over the next decade).