ASIFMA KYC standardisation survey

Published: 24 January 2017

Supported by PWC, ASIFMA will conduct a survey to explore KYC requirements (in terms of data and documentation) across the Asia region in February 2017. The survey aims to understand and document different practices across firms relating to the topic of KYC within Asia Pacific. The primary intent of this industry study is to obtain an overview of market practice to determine, based on the feedback from survey respondents, what constitutes good practice in relation to KYC practices and associated controls.

The outcome of the survey will (a) Help industry participants in discussions with participating firms to benchmark themselves against the standard, (b) Serve as a basis for advocacy with the regulators in the region, and (c) Help adoption of and interoperability between the KYC utility providers. The focus of this survey is on the KYC practice of capital markets trading business for four categories of institutional clients in 12 jurisdictions in the Asia region (Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Japan, China, India, Korea, Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand, Taiwan, and the Philippines).

If you are interested to participate, please contact Kher Sheng Lee or  Laurence Van der Loo (ASIFMA) for further guidance.