Staying ahead of the game: The value of attending events

By Dawn Angley, AIMA

Published: 18 November 2024


No matter what job, role, function, or sector you work in, you are likely going to be required to attend events, whether that is  a meeting, client engagement, networking or continued professional development. But deciding which events and allocating your valuable work hours to attend can be a challenge (and a minefield to decide between the many in the calendar), so here is a reminder why AIMA continue to host an extensive event programme for our members.  

Professional development through learning and sharing your expertise. Conferences are a vital part of career advancement. You can also showcase your own knowledge and skills by speaking at events which can help you build your professional reputation. There are over 1000 speaking opportunities at AIMA’s events each year for the seasoned public speakers and first timers.  

Networking. Any event big or small can be a great opportunity to meet and build relationships and may host ample opportunities and formats for meeting people whether you’re a confident conversation starter, or a comfortable introvert. Make sure to use your time wisely and avail of the array of options for building connections beyond chatting over a coffee. Connect via an event app, join roundtables and partake in group networking available at many of our events.

Staying up to date. Industry experts dedicate their valuable knowledge and experience via our events and attending is a great way to learn about the latest innovations and best practices in your field. You may be surprised at the influence and inspiration you can get from listening to speakers.

Sparking creativity. We all need to step outside our comfort zone and be exposed to new  projects, people, and technology. This can help you spark new ideas that can lead to real innovation in your role. 

Access to key suppliers and tools. Service providers provide access to various resources and tools that could assist you and your company that you may not know you needed. Conferences can be a brilliant one-stop-shop for exploring the latest offerings in your field.

Too busy? Many events now have added free space so that that you can dip in and out of work or take a call in a private area allowing you the flexibility to still plan your agenda and attend the sessions you want.

Did you know that AIMA host over 220 events annually? Most of which are free for members to attend. If you are interested in speaking, sponsoring or attending our events, perhaps for your first time, visit AIMA's event page to learn more, or feel free to get in touch.   


  • 220+ annual events
  • 15 conferences
  • 20,000+ delegates
  • 1,000 speakers