Women in Finance Charter


AIMA is proud to be a signatory to the UK Government's Women in Finance Charter. The Charter is a commitment by HM Treasury and signatory firms to work together to build a more balanced and fair industry.  

The Charter:

  • commits firms to supporting the progression of women into senior roles in the financial services sector by focusing on the executive pipeline and the mid-tier level;
  • recognises the diversity of the sector and that firms will have different starting points - each firm should therefore set its own targets and implement the right strategy for their organisation; and 
  • requires firms to publicly report on progress to deliver against these internal targets to support the transparency and accountability needed to drive change. 

We encourage our members to sign up to this initiative. More information can be found here.

A HM Treasury announcement of March 2018 confirming AIMA's participation is here.

AIMA's commitment to the Charter

Jack Inglis, CEO, is responsible for gender D&I at AIMA.  

As a signatory to the HM Treasury Women in Finance Charter, AIMA is committed to implementing the recommendations of the Charter regarding improvements to AIMA's gender D&I. 

In support of these goals, AIMA has a developed a global D&I policy, which is available here, and plans to:

  • Review our recruitment policies and practices, including ensuring we achieve gender-balanced candidate lists, particularly for senior management roles.
  • Provide training on D&I for all employees.

AIMA currently has 44% female representation in our senior management team.

To help support gender D&I across the alternative investment industry, AIMA has launched a Careers Network. The network provides a forum for women across the industry to connect, find mentors, and develop the skills and knowledge necessary to further their careers. More information and details on how to join AIMA’s Careers Network can be found here.

Beyond our Charter obligations, AIMA has committed to lead on improving D&I in the alternative investment management industry. AIMA has established a Global D&I Steering Group to direct our work in promoting greater D&I practices in the industry. The Steering Group has committed itself to providing the industry with “practical resources, advice, role models and case studies to enable them to develop a culture which embraces difference, and to hire and retain a more diverse and inclusive workforce.”

Initiatives of AIMA and the Steering Group include AIMA and EY’s The Alternatives, a paper containing practical steps that firms of all sizes can take to improve D&I, and AIMA and Albourne Partners’ D&I Due Diligence Questionnaire. The Due Diligence Questionnaire aims to promote better D&I practices and become a standardised D&I questionnaire.