AIMA Canada rings the opening bell of the Toronto Stock Exchange

Published: 28 March 2018


AIMA Canada executives, members and supporters have opened the market of the Toronto Stock Exchange in commemoration of the association’s 15th anniversary in Canada.

AIMA Canada was formed in March 2003 to act as the voice of the alternative investment industry in Canada, and to fulfill AIMA’s global objectives of education, sound practices and industry growth. Each of AIMA’s national groups utilize the global strategy and tools of the Association and applies them in a method best suited to their community.

Since its inception, AIMA Canada has worked closely with regulators, held events and information sessions in Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and Calgary, and developed a variety of publications including the AIMA Canada Handbook.

“The last 15 years have been successful in building a highly effective advocacy and educational programme that both represents and supports the growing alternatives industry in Canada,” notes Claire Van Wyk-Allan, who will take over as Director and Head of Canada on April 2. “We look forward to supporting many more years of robust growth in the alternatives industry in Canada through providing high-impact educational content, best practices and regulatory advocacy.”

A video of the opening bell ceremony can be found here.

AIMA Canada's corporate members include alternative investment fund investors, managers, institutional investors, pension fund managers, administrators, auditors, lawyers, prime brokers, advisors and related industry professionals from across Canada.

More information about AIMA Canada and forthcoming initiatives and events can be found here.