AIMA Journal Editorial Calendar
We are now accepting reservations for the Q4 edition.
Please find below our editorial calendar for 2024.
Q1 Edition 137 (submissions closed)
Deadline for submission 5pm UK time Monday 12th February | Publication Monday 18th MarchPlease note the deadline for reserving a spot for the Q1 edition of the AIMA Journal is 5pm UK time, Friday 26th January.
Q2 Edition 138 (submissions closed)
Deadline for submission 5pm UK time Monday 20th May | Publication Monday 17th JunePlease note the deadline for reserving a spot for the Q2 edition of the AIMA Journal is 5pm UK time Friday 6th May.
Q3 Edition 139 (submissions closed)
Deadline for submission 5pm UK time Monday 29th July | Publication Monday 23rd SeptemberPlease note the deadline to reserve a spot for the Q3 edition of the AIMA Journal is 5pm UK time Friday 12th July.
Q4 Edition 140 (submissions closed)
Deadline for submission 5pm UK time Monday 21st October | Publication Monday 18th NovemberPlease note the deadline to reserve a spot for the Q4 edition of the AIMA Journal is 5pm UK time Friday 4th October.
Please note that availability is limited, and we cannot accept any additional contributions once all the spots have been filled.
We kindly advise all contributors to email us prior to submitting to make sure we can include the contribution. We can’t guarantee the inclusion of any last-minute submissions.
To contribute to the AIMA Journal, please email Caterina Giordo and Jorge Palmero.