AIMA in Australia

Our events in Australia

AIMA organises regular conferences, seminars and networking events in Australia. To search for events in Australia, click on the link above.

AIMA Australia Annual Forum

The AIMA Australia Annual Forum is a non-profit conference organised by the alternative investment industry for the industry, featuring high-quality Australian and international speakers sharing insights, reflections and war-stories with fund managers and investors. Click on the image to find out more.

Vision 2025

A virtual roundtable getting into the minds of the IAG members and where they see our industry in 2025. Called “Vision 2025” the paper gives an insight into what the institutional investor's mind set is.

Hedge Fund Managers’ Guide to Australian Institutional Investors

The AIMA Australia Investor Advisory Group published a guide to the Australian superannuation institutional market in 2016. The paper seeks to provide guidance for international hedge fund managers who plan to market their funds to Australian superannuation investors. Click on the image to download the guide (log-in required).

AIMA Australia ExCo

Click on the link above to see the current members of the Australia Executive Committee.

Chairman's Message

Click on the image to read the December 2019 end-of-year message by Dr Alistair Rew, the Chair of AIMA Australia.