AIMA Canada Member Committees

These groups of dedicated professionals are responsible for producing the various programming and member & public engagement initiatives of AIMA Canada. Each sub-committee has a stated mandate in order to provide direction to the committee's goals and activities and align the energies of its participants.

Committees are either functional (subject-matter specific) or regional with the former consisting of representatives from across Canada and with a similar role or area of expertise in the industry while the latter consists of those in a particular area of the country.

Participation in committees is exclusive to AIMA Canada members and subject to approval based on appropriateness given a particular individual's characteristics and the committee's requirements.  Members who are interested in joining a committee should contact the AIMA Canada office for a briefing on the process and committee structure, participation requirements and needs.


Functional: Community Engagement Peer Group(CEC)

This committee is a merger of two of our long-standing committees, the Education and Research Committee (ERC) and the Programming and Events Committee (PEC). This committee comes together to form a re-aligned and merged vision focusing on three robust pillars: Young Professionals & Students, Diversity & Inclusion, and Charity & Socials.

Young Professionals & Students

Diversity & Inclusion (D&I)

Charity & Social Events

AIMA’s focus on young professionals’ involvement stems from a renewed sense of direction for this committee, promoting countless benefits such as helping with networking, developing transferable skills and fostering lifelong engagement.

AIMA’s CEC has been a driving force propelling DE&I within the industry, by hosting events such as Breaking Barriers for four years in a row now.

Charitable events are an important way of giving back while helping bring together AIMA members.





Functional: Legal, Finance & Compliance Committee (LFCC)

The Legal, Finance & Compliance Committee (L&FC) consists of representatives of AIMA Canada's hedge fund manager and legal and accounting firm membership which mandate is to provide educational opportunities and thought leadership for members regarding legal and finance issues impacting the alternative industry while providing a forum for members to discuss best practices with peers.

The L&FC also produces a number of comment letters in response to a proposal put forth by Canada's various regulators.  These position papers are created by committee members with a selection of other AIMA Canada members - with some being produced by ad hoc special groups of AIMA Canada members. The committee also liaises with AIMA headquarters in London (UK) on ex-Canada issues that affect members.  


Functional: Investor Engagement Peer Group (IEC Institutional & IEC Retail)

Its mandate is to provide educational opportunities for institutional, family office and retail investors to learn about alternative strategies, asset classes & current trends while giving manager members an opportunity to showcase thought leadership.

Another early committee, the Investment Engagement Committee consists of the Active (IEC) Institutional committee, Active (IEC) Retail Committee, and a passive distribution list. The committees consist generally of fund wholesalers, investment advisors, and product approval and due diligence professionals.  The committee hosts a number of events each year featuring thought leader and manager panels designed to educate attendees about alternatives and strategies available to investors.  These forums provide a place for managers, product specialists and investors, and their advisors to connect and discuss the issues and trends of the day.


Regional: Québec Peer Group (QCC) & Western Regional Peer Group (WRC)

The role of the QCC and WRC is to provide educational & networking opportunities for members and investors to learn about alternative strategies, themes, trends and research impacting the alternative industry, while giving manager members an opportunity to showcase thought leadership.

The Québec Committee (QC) and Western Regional Committee (WRC) reflect both the national nature of AIMA Canada membership and the local views and requirements of this financial centre.  The QC has a full slate of educational and social events (including speakers from outside Montréal, Vancouver, Calgary, Edmonton, Edmonton and beyond) and provides well-received alternatives topics to attendees.


Functional: Alternative Credit Council (ACC) Canada Peer Group

This group will operate within the global ACC, under AIMA’s Deputy CEO, Jiri Krol and under the guidance of the AIMA Canada Board, led by Chair Belle Kaura of Third Eye Capital. This committee will convene quarterly to discuss current trends in private debt and give local guidance to the ACC globally, while also determining its own priorities for regulatory advocacy and educational programming in Canada.